Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Week of December 16th Update

In reading and writing, the students will be working on their second opinion writing piece!

In social studies, we will be practicing a reader's theater based on the American Revolution!

In math, we're taking our test on fractions. We'll complete it like we did last term: review a section/skill for the first part of class, and take that section during the last part of class.

In science, we're finishing our unit on sound. The Smarties will take the test Wednesday, and the Rulers will take the test Thursday because of the adjusted schedule with Spanish (each week, the students only get four days of science because they have an odd Spanish time. The Rulers do not have science on Wednesdays because of this. That's why they'll take the test Thursday. The Smarties do not have science on Thursdays).

Winter Learning Celebration
Our Winter learning celebration will be held this Friday, December 20th from 1:00-2:15. Please plan to join us! *Please note that parking can be difficult at FAVE, especially when so many classes will be having celebrations at the same time. Please plan accordingly.

Clothing/Toy Drive
One student from Miss Ary's homeroom class will be moving to Ethiopia in January. She has graciously offered to take any clothing or toys that we collect! Feel free to bring in anything that you would like to donate. We are collecting the items in Miss Ary's homeroom! Thank you!

Parent Portal
For ela and social studies, please refer to the parent portal to see how your child is doing. Miss Ary puts in a few grades per week! Because math skills are continuously being retaught and grades are constantly changing, Mrs. Broman-Fulks does not update the parent portal as often as Miss Ary. You can use your child's success on homework tasks to gauge where he or she may need help. Please contact Mrs. Broman-Fulks if you have specific questions about math. *If you do not know your login, please ask Susie Girardeau at the front desk of the 4/5 Academy. 

Have a great week! -Miss Ary

Monday, December 9, 2013

Week of December 9th Update

 Hope you all had a restful weekend!

In reading and writing this week, we will be discussing various text structures that authors use, comparing and contrasting firsthand accounts and secondhand accounts, and re-taking the STAR reading assessment to monitor growth.

In social studies, we will be practicing a reader's theater that the students will present during our winter learning celebration on December 20th from 1:00-2:15. Please plan to join us on that day!

In math, we'll be be adding and subtracting mixed numbers. We'll also be reviewing a lot! Our biggest focus will be on comparing and ordering fractions with unlike denominators. For example, putting 3/4, 5/8, and 7/8 in order from greatest to least or least to greatest. They need to find a common denominator and use equivalent fractions to do so. For example, you could change 3/4 to 6/8 by multiplying the numerator and denominator by 2. Then you'd know that 3/4 goes between 5/8 and 7/8. This is very difficult for many students because it requires so many steps. Expect to see 2-3 nights of homework this week.

In science, we're really getting into our unit on sound - our big focuses are on how sound is produced (vibrations) and what causes different pitches (speed and length).

MAP Testing Dates: Monday, 12/9 (Reading); Tuesday, 12/10 (Language Arts) 7:55-9:00

A Note From the Room Parents:
We already have volunteers to bring refreshments to the December End of Term learning celebration. There will be 3 more learning celebrations in February, April, and May. If you would like to volunteer to bring refreshments for any of those let me know.  The dates are February 14, April 4, and May 28.
Jackie Ashley

Have a great week! -Miss Ary

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Opinion Writing Checklist

Opinion Writing Checklist
Your writing should include...

I have introduced my topic clearly (thesis statement) ____

I have at least 3 reasons that are supported by facts and details ____

I have used appropriate transitional words ____

I have included details that make my writing unique ____

I have a conclusion  ____

I have used the writing process and kept all of my drafts ____

1: I did not understand the task, and I need help.
2: I can show some understanding, and I need help.
3: I can consistently show understanding without help.
4: I can consistently show my understanding beyond what my teacher me. I can also connect my writing to the central idea.

American Revolution Assessment Is Coming Up!

*Check out the resources that I have uploaded into Edmodo

*Here are some notes that I will be giving out on Wednesday: 

Causes and Events that led to the American Revolution

After the French and Indian war, parliament passed new laws for the colonists because they had to pay for the war.

Colonists who formed a group who wanted independence: Sons of Liberty

No taxation without representation: the colonists had no say in parliament, or the new laws

Stamp Act: tax on paper, all paper had to have a specific stamp on it

Boston Tea Party: When a group of colonists dressed up as Native Americans and dumped tea into the Boston harbor

Lexington: first shots of the war were fired in this Massachusetts town

Why did British troops march to Concord in 1775? To take the ammo, or guns that was being hidden

Saratoga: Considered the “turning point in the war” because Continental army proved they could win

Yorktown: last battle of the war

Treaty of Paris: marked the end of the American Revolution

Advantages of the British Army: large army, strong leaders
Disadvantages of the British Army: no guerilla warfare, dependent on their leaders and generals for direction

Who won the Revolutionary War?
The Continental Army. This meant freedom from King George III.

Declaration of Independence
Who wrote it? Thomas Jefferson

Why was it written? To declare independence from Britain and King George III

What does tyranny mean? A cruel government, or leader

Important People

Thomas Jefferson: Main writer of the Declaration of Independence

Ben Franklin: American leader sent to Britain to ask for representation in parliament

George Washington: Leader of the Continental Army

King George III: King of England during the American Revolution

Patrick Henry: Spoke out about unfair taxes

Benedict Arnold: Continental army officer who became a traitor and worked for the British

Week of December 2nd Update

I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving break! 

In Social Studies, the students will begin preparing for their American Revolution assessment by filling out a study guide. We will go over the guide in class on Tuesday and Wednesday. The assessment will be broken up into smaller portions, and will begin on Thursday.

, we are drafting an opinion piece. The students will be using an opinion writing checklist and meeting in writing partnerships.

In math, we'll be adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators, and we'll be adding and subtracting improper fractions and mixed numbers with like denominators. You can support your child's learning by helping review how to convert improper fractions and mixed numbers. Go to[ ] Type in these codes in the search box to watch tutorials (in this order): LZ84, LZ85, and LZ86. We'll also review comparing and ordering fractions with like and unlike denominators. You can look for them to make number lines, draw models, find common denominators, and use benchmark fractions (like 1/2).

In science, we'll finish our light unit and take an assessment Wednesday or Thursday. Terms to study: transparent, translucent, opaque, reflection, refraction, absorption, prisms, visible spectrum, convex lens, and concave lens. Tell your child to show you his or her science journal for some good notes and drawings! We'll start our sound unit after that.

MAP Testing schedule:  

Friday, 12/6 (Math); Monday, 12/9 (Rdg); Tuesday, 12/10 (ELA) 7:55-9:00

Have a great week! -Miss Ary

Monday, November 18, 2013

Thanksgiving Lunch Schedule

Time Thursday 11/21
10:30-10:45 5th Grade Classes Pick up Lunches
11-11:30 Waugh/Sanders/Weaver
11:40-12:10 Ary/B-F/Semones
12:20-12:50 Cabrices/Porter/Bunsie
1:00-1:30 Goode/Eber/Zisook

Week of November 18th Update

Hi everyone! I hope you had a great weekend despite the rain. It's our last week before Thanksgiving break. Students often feel a mixture of exhaustion and excitement just before breaks, so let's work together to keep them focused and well rested for one more week!

Please join us Tuesday, November 19th for Literary Cafe. The program begins at 6 p.m. in the multi-purpose room where one student from each class will present his or her piece. After those presentations, students and parents should report to their child's homeroom where each student will present. We hope you can make it!

Homework Reminders (these went home in red folders a few weeks ago): Spelling packet due Fridays, Math 2-3 nights per week, Read 30 minutes *Make sure your child is staying accountable for their homework that is due. Homework should be written in the agenda daily!

*Sign up to volunteer for American Revolution Day:
(you may need to copy and paste the link into your browser)

*School canned food drive starts Monday and ends Friday! Please consider donating canned or boxed foods if you are able.

In math, we're moving on to comparing and ordering fractions. We'll be learning how to apply our knowledge of equivalent fractions to get the same denominators needed for comparing. We'll use the analogy of languages. For example, if halves are speaking halves and sixths are speaking sixths, they cannot communicate. They will need to speak the same language. Maybe the halves will need to start speaking sixths. You can multiply the halves by three-thirds to get an equivalent fraction with the denominator of six. Later in the week, ask your child to tell you about it! Review equivalent fractions here:

In science, we'll continue our unit on light. We'll be looking at and studying the differences between concave and convex lenses. We'll also study prisms! After the break, we'll review Monday and take our test on light Tuesday.

In writing, we are drafting our first opinion piece using the "boxes and bullets" strategy. Ask your child to talk to you about this cool writing technique! We have some very creative topics. This week, I am integrating reading and social studies. The students will be exposed to different non-fiction texts related to the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence. On Monday, the students will begin preparing for their assessment, which will take place later in the term, by filling out an American Revolution study guide. 

Have a great week! -Miss Ary

Monday, November 11, 2013

Week of November 11th Update

Please make sure your child is practicing their spelling words at home. The spelling homework packet is due Friday! Other than that, the students will have a math problem 2-3 nights per week and they should be reading at least 30 minutes. This can include being read to, reading aloud, or read to self.

FAVE is looking for volunteers! 4th graders are studying the American Revolution, and we'd like to have an event to teach the students key figures of the time period. For more information about how you can help, go to https: //

In math, we're identifying and generating equivalent fractions. The students will have homework two nights this week. Please ask them to show you their math journals so you can see all the great learning they're doing! I have put in equivalent fractions assignments into Compass.

In science, we're continuing our study of light. This week's focus is on reflection, refraction, and absorption. Ask them to show you what they've been learning on science techbook!

In ELA, we will be practicing for the Literary Cafe! We hope you can join us on November 19th from 6:30-7:00 p.m. The students will be presenting their "I Am" poem that they made in class. This week, we will also be reviewing how to find the main idea of a text & formulating a thesis statement for our first opinion piece.

In Social Studies, we will be researching and learning about the battles that occurred during the American Revolution.

Have a great week!
-Miss Ary

Monday, November 4, 2013

Week of November 4th Update

4th Grade IB Unit Notification

Name of Unit:  How We Organize Ourselves
An inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; societal decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.

Date of Unit: October 28-December 20, 2013

Central Idea: (The enduring understanding that children should gain from the unit)
Challenges can be addressed when individuals organize for a common purpose.

Inquiry Into:
·       Challenges that can lead to conflict and change
·       Responsibility in resolving conflict
·       Role of conflict in shaping society

Ways to Help Support the Unit at School:
Sign up to participate in our portrayal of people and events from the Revolutionary Time Period.  This would include dressing up and speaking from the perspective of an historical figure.  Use this link for more details. 

Ways to Help Support the Unit at Home:
·       Discuss conflicts in our history and how people have come together to address them.  Specifically, conflicts that lead to American Revolution and conflicts present in our world today.
·       Ask them their opinions of these conflicts and what they would do if they had a voice in the matter
·       Ask about how these conflicts in history have shaped our society

Summative Assessment (to be completed in class):
Identify a challenge that individuals have had to come together to address.  Describe the challenge.  What is your opinion about what happened?  Some possible choices could be:
o    British government and the colonists
o    Dress code enforcement in schools
o    Taxes, are they fair?
o    Current events:  A challenge that is going on presently in society
o    Other as approved by teacher

Monday, October 28, 2013

Week of October 28th Update

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. The field trip on Friday was very fun and cold! Thanks to those who braved the weather and volunteered! Check out some of the learning stations that we visited:

In Social Studies, we will be studying the causes of the French and Indian War.

In ELA, the students will be writing an "I Am" poem and learning new "close reading" strategies. *We are beginning word study this week! The students will be given a spelling menu each Monday. They are required to choose 1 activity per night. All spelling homework is due on Fridays. The students will be given a spelling test on Fridays over ten of their words.

In science, we got behind at the end of last term! We'll be finishing our unit on outer space and have the test on Friday. They will have review materials in their science folders.

In math, we'll be working on patterns and function tables. We'll have a quiz Thursday. Go to these websites to practice at home:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Week of October 21st Update

The students and I have been enjoying ourselves this week...Here's a recap from when Lemony Snicket came to see us! -Miss Ary

Monday, October 7, 2013

Week of October 7th Update

From Mrs. Broman-Fulks:
Hi everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! I can't believe we're half way through the second term! The students are learning so much, and I hope they've shared all of it with you!
General Information:
•    Go to for an update on the standards we are teaching this term, IB unit information, and links to Compass learning and instructions for accessing Quizlet for Spanish
•    If you haven't signed up for a conference and would like one, go to

Math: We will continue learning various strategies for multiplying 2-digit numbers. We may or may not start division strategies. It depends on students' needs. They have impressed me so far with their ability to complete area models and partial products. They will have homework again this week! The homework will review factors and multiples. Please continue to drill multiplication facts! Also, try to complete two sessions on Compass Learning - math - each week. I'd recommend 15 minutes per session.

Science: We're moving our study through the planets and will continue with moon phases, day/night cycles, and season. I've really enjoyed students' enthusiasm during this unit. It's a popular one among teachers and students! The students will also be working in class on a technology project for a learning celebration at the end of this term. Students should be reviewing their daily notes each night. Continue working on the moon phase calendar!

From Miss Ary:
Happy Fall! We are well into term two, and learning something new every day! This week's homework includes: read 30 minutes, fill out weekly reading log, work on reading contract that is due October 23rd.

In social studies, I have been blown away with the students' interest in the European explorers. Last week, the students wrapped up their presentations. Many of the students chose to share information on their favorite explorer using the Pages app. Others blew me away with short pop quizzes at the end of their presentations. We definitely have a few future teachers on our hands! This week, we will be studying the 13 colonies, and how the colonists' lives varied from region to region. The students will be taking a "Map of the 13 colonies" quiz on Friday.

In writing, the students will continue drafting their first narrative. This week, our focus is on using specific strategies to revise and edit. The students should continue to add to to their writing by incorporating dialogue, description, and compound sentences. Later in the week, students will conference with their writing partner using a peer editing checklist found here:

In reading, I will begin re-assessing each student's accuracy, fluency, and comprehension using the school-wide fiction reading assessment that I used during term 1. The students will also be studying how point of view affects the way you understand the characters and plot within a story. On Friday, the students will have a point of view quiz and will be asked to determine between 1st and 3rd person.

Have a great week! As always, contact me with any questions via


Monday, September 30, 2013

Week of September 30th Update

In Math, we will be reviewing factors and multiples, prime and composite, and addition and subtraction. We will begin learning strategies for multiplying 2-digit numbers. The students will be learning several strategies for this, and they'll be given the option of choosing the one that works best for them. The traditional algorithm is not a fourth grade standard. Typically, students like to use strategies called area models and partial products.
**The students will have addition and subtraction homework this week.
**Remember, students can do Xtramath at home:

In Science, we'll be finishing up our study of planets and stars. We'll have a quiz on Friday. They will have a lot of notes in their journals, so be sure to ask them! They need to know characteristics of stars (sizes, temperatures, colors) and the order and sizes of the planets (including dwarf planets). They also need to know the major differences between planets and stars. Check out the Science Techbook at and if you're looking for information at home!

In Social Studies, we are presenting research projects on the European Explorers that the students have been working on. Later in the week, we will begin discussing the opportunity costs of early exploration.

In Reader's Workshop, we are learning how to identify the theme in a fiction story. We are also learning how to use a 5 word summary strategy to summarize various texts.

Ask your child to re-tell you what happened in The Lorax using the strategy: ""

In Writer's Workshop, we are drafting our first narrative piece. We have been busy looking at mentor texts for ideas and strategies to mimic! This week, our focus is on adding transitional words and adding details to the characters in our story.

Some Important Annoucements:
Keep track of your child’s behavior via
Parent Codes are being re-sent home today! 

From the Spanish Department:  Please make sure your student studies the assigned vocabulary/sentence structures daily.  Language acquisition requires constant practice.  Students can find the assigned words on the Spanish Website and on

Conferences are optional, but we would be happy to sit down to discuss your child’s progress. Due to limited time frames, please email your child’s homeroom teacher to set up a phone conference if needed. Please visit the following link to set up a convenient time to meet in the classroom:

Have a great week! -Miss Ary

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week of September 16th Update

Wow! I cannot believe we are already in term two. I hope you all enjoyed your Fall break as much as I did! Report cards will go home September 23rd, so be on the look out for those in communication folders.

This week:
 In Writer's Workshop, we are looking at mentor texts, and checking out the various techniques writers use in narrative writing. 

In Reader's Workshop, we are learning how to describe the story elements in a fictional story. Check out the "5 things" song we have enjoyed learning:

In Social Studies, we are looking at the relationship between the Native Americans and the Europeans when the explorers first arrived. The students have enjoyed learning about sponsorships, and the many obstacles the European explorers faced. 

Some important announcements: 

-Keep track of your child’s behavior via  Parent Codes are being re-sent home again next Monday!

-You're invited to join us for optional Parent Sessions about Edmodo on our Ipads at F.AVE!  Edmodo is an Ipad app that we will be utilizing throughout the year. Check out this link to sign up:

-Ms. Broman-Fulks and I will be sending out a link via email to sign up for conferences. If you still have not received an email from one of us, we do NOT have your email on file. Please send it in!

-Keep track of your child’s reading at home. They should be reading at least 30 minutes a night as well as taking home their reading contract and working on book assessments while they read. is a great way for your child to practice fact fluency. They know their log-in information!

It is going to be a great term! -Miss Ary

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013

August 26, 2013 Update

A special thank you to those who volunteered to help out with communication folders. I am set for the next month and a half! I'll keep you updated as we need more help around the classroom.

Curriculum Night: Please join us for Curriculum Night this Thursday, August 29th (6-7:30) If you cannot make it, no worries! I'll send home any necessary information in the communication folders.

A message fom the Spanish Department:  Students will take the Spanish test (listening and reading) for the first term the week of Sept 3-6.  Please make sure your student reviews the vocabulary learned for Unidad 1on and be sure he/she is present on those days.  ¡Gracias!
*Please email your child's Spanish teacher if you have any questions related to this!

In Reader's Workshop, reading contracts are due on the 29th! We will be focusing on making inferences and finding "just right" books!

In Writer's Workshop, we are in the drafting portion of the writing process. The students are busy writing their first informational piece. We are also focusing on identifying homophones, fragments, and run-ons!

In Social Studies, we are busy learning about six Native American tribes and how they used their environment for survival.

Have a great week! -Miss Ary

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday, August 20th Social Studies In-Class Assignment

Webquest Directions:
We will do a jigsaw activity. You will be divided into groups to find information about your particular Native American Tribe. You will work to find all of the information on the chart. When you have found your information and discussed it with your group, make sure you have all of the information. Then you will go into another group to teach everyone else the information you found so that each group member can complete his chart.

Resources you may use:






Monday, August 19, 2013

August 19th, 2013 Update

Just a few reminders:

To see what we are learning every term, please visit:
->click “Standards-Based Grading for Parents
->click ”Grade 4 Standards”

To see past AR test scores from home, please visit:> STAR/AR Tests

To check the level of a book, please visit:

Reading Contracts:
Your child's reading contract is due August 29th. This is an easy way for them to stay on track with the amount of books they are reading. For term one (or the first six weeks of school), your child is required to read at least 3 books, two non-fiction and one fiction.  Your child can take an AR test on their book if it has one, but this is not a requirement.  Once your child has finished their book, they complete the attached "assessment" on the contract, and last, we have a quick conference to discuss the book. This is work they will primarily be completing at home, so be sure and check-in with your child to confirm they are reading at least 30 minutes a night, and completing the book assessments. I'll take care of the conferences at school! 

Weekly Reading Log:
This is a document that the students will be taking to and from school daily in their agenda. In this, they can keep track of the amount of time they are reading at school and at home. 

Check back for updates! We have kicked off a fabulous year. -Miss Ary

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 8, 2013 Update

It has been a GREAT kick off to a new year! I love finding out new things about my students every day! 
Here are some updates about what's going on in the classroom:

We have been busy learning about the Learner Profile Traits and what types of characters in our books might exhibit these traits!  The International Baccalaureate learner profile is the IB mission statement translated into a set of learning outcomes.Take a look at the wordle below to find out what these traits are: 

In Social Studies, we are learning how early Native American cultures developed in North America.
 We will also begin focusing on how some of the tribes used their environment to obtain food, clothing, and shelter!

In Reader's Workshop, we are learning how to choose a "just right" book, how to build reading stamina, and how to formulate obtainable reading goals. 

In Writer's Workshop, we have been busy setting up our writing notebook. The students have enjoyed brainstorming their "writing territories" and I have enjoyed sharing mine! Writing territories are any genre, passion, or idea that a student might want to write about during the year. As we continue becoming acquainted with all of the writing procedures, we will be learning more about how to carry out the writing process. Here is some more information on the formal process: 

Check back for updates! As always, contact me with any questions!

Sarah Ary

Monday, July 8, 2013


Welcome to my classroom website. I look forward to meeting all of my new students, and for the 2013-2014 school year!

Photo Credit: