Tuesday, December 3, 2013

American Revolution Assessment Is Coming Up!

*Check out the resources that I have uploaded into Edmodo

*Here are some notes that I will be giving out on Wednesday: 

Causes and Events that led to the American Revolution

After the French and Indian war, parliament passed new laws for the colonists because they had to pay for the war.

Colonists who formed a group who wanted independence: Sons of Liberty

No taxation without representation: the colonists had no say in parliament, or the new laws

Stamp Act: tax on paper, all paper had to have a specific stamp on it

Boston Tea Party: When a group of colonists dressed up as Native Americans and dumped tea into the Boston harbor

Lexington: first shots of the war were fired in this Massachusetts town

Why did British troops march to Concord in 1775? To take the ammo, or guns that was being hidden

Saratoga: Considered the “turning point in the war” because Continental army proved they could win

Yorktown: last battle of the war

Treaty of Paris: marked the end of the American Revolution

Advantages of the British Army: large army, strong leaders
Disadvantages of the British Army: no guerilla warfare, dependent on their leaders and generals for direction

Who won the Revolutionary War?
The Continental Army. This meant freedom from King George III.

Declaration of Independence
Who wrote it? Thomas Jefferson

Why was it written? To declare independence from Britain and King George III

What does tyranny mean? A cruel government, or leader

Important People

Thomas Jefferson: Main writer of the Declaration of Independence

Ben Franklin: American leader sent to Britain to ask for representation in parliament

George Washington: Leader of the Continental Army

King George III: King of England during the American Revolution

Patrick Henry: Spoke out about unfair taxes

Benedict Arnold: Continental army officer who became a traitor and worked for the British

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