Monday, October 28, 2013

Week of October 28th Update

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. The field trip on Friday was very fun and cold! Thanks to those who braved the weather and volunteered! Check out some of the learning stations that we visited:

In Social Studies, we will be studying the causes of the French and Indian War.

In ELA, the students will be writing an "I Am" poem and learning new "close reading" strategies. *We are beginning word study this week! The students will be given a spelling menu each Monday. They are required to choose 1 activity per night. All spelling homework is due on Fridays. The students will be given a spelling test on Fridays over ten of their words.

In science, we got behind at the end of last term! We'll be finishing our unit on outer space and have the test on Friday. They will have review materials in their science folders.

In math, we'll be working on patterns and function tables. We'll have a quiz Thursday. Go to these websites to practice at home:

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