Monday, November 18, 2013

Week of November 18th Update

Hi everyone! I hope you had a great weekend despite the rain. It's our last week before Thanksgiving break. Students often feel a mixture of exhaustion and excitement just before breaks, so let's work together to keep them focused and well rested for one more week!

Please join us Tuesday, November 19th for Literary Cafe. The program begins at 6 p.m. in the multi-purpose room where one student from each class will present his or her piece. After those presentations, students and parents should report to their child's homeroom where each student will present. We hope you can make it!

Homework Reminders (these went home in red folders a few weeks ago): Spelling packet due Fridays, Math 2-3 nights per week, Read 30 minutes *Make sure your child is staying accountable for their homework that is due. Homework should be written in the agenda daily!

*Sign up to volunteer for American Revolution Day:
(you may need to copy and paste the link into your browser)

*School canned food drive starts Monday and ends Friday! Please consider donating canned or boxed foods if you are able.

In math, we're moving on to comparing and ordering fractions. We'll be learning how to apply our knowledge of equivalent fractions to get the same denominators needed for comparing. We'll use the analogy of languages. For example, if halves are speaking halves and sixths are speaking sixths, they cannot communicate. They will need to speak the same language. Maybe the halves will need to start speaking sixths. You can multiply the halves by three-thirds to get an equivalent fraction with the denominator of six. Later in the week, ask your child to tell you about it! Review equivalent fractions here:

In science, we'll continue our unit on light. We'll be looking at and studying the differences between concave and convex lenses. We'll also study prisms! After the break, we'll review Monday and take our test on light Tuesday.

In writing, we are drafting our first opinion piece using the "boxes and bullets" strategy. Ask your child to talk to you about this cool writing technique! We have some very creative topics. This week, I am integrating reading and social studies. The students will be exposed to different non-fiction texts related to the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence. On Monday, the students will begin preparing for their assessment, which will take place later in the term, by filling out an American Revolution study guide. 

Have a great week! -Miss Ary

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