Monday, March 23, 2015

Update for Week of 3/23/15

In writing, the students are revising and editing their research assignments. I am encouraging students to revise using their own personal voice. The students have been busy learning to paraphrase during note-taking time so that their writing doesn't sound like an encyclopedia.

In reading, we are exploring functional texts! This week we are looking at textbooks to notice their structure, features, and information.

In social studies, the students have been fascinated to learn about the challenges that pioneers faced on the Oregon Trail.  This week we are looking into the technological innovation in the 19th century. Specifically, we are learning about the steamboat, steam locomotive, and telegraph.

In math, we will continue working on tenths and hundredths equivalencies, and then we'll move on to comparing decimals using >, <, and =. Students will practice justifying their answers with written responses. Please encourage your children to practice verbalizing their reasoning for answers. Think more on the lines of why you did what you did rather than just what you did.
• quick codes for comparing decimals: LZ3217, LZ3158, LZ3354, LZ3385.

In science, we'll finish our unit on force and motion. Students will have a study guide that they can work on at home or during morning work this week. We'll have our test this Friday.

Have a great week!

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