Monday, April 13, 2015

Update for Week of 4/13/15

I hope everyone had a wonderful break! I sure did enjoy some downtime at the beach. I hope you were able to enjoy the beautiful weather with your family! How is it that we only have six weeks left of school? This year has flown by! I continue to feel grateful for such a supportive group of parents.

Here's what is on our agenda for this week:

Testing NEXT Week! Message from Mr. Roaden:
As I am sure you are all aware we begin GMAS (replaces CRCT) testing April 21 and continue testing through April 27.  This year testing is in two sessions each day.  4th Grade students will test beginning at 7:45 and test until approximately noon.  5th graders will begin testing at noon and test until dismissal at 2:45.  Please make sure your student is here ready to learn at 7:45 am.  No students will be dismissed before 2:45 pm.  I hope you can respect our need to be as careful as we can during the testing window. 

Our term 6 central idea states our beliefs reflect culture, personal experiences, and societal influences.

In reading and writing, we are reading various public service announcements are determining how they are supported with reasons and evidence. At the end of the week, I hope to have students invent their own PSA that is supported with facts, quotes, statistics, and a written explanation.

In social studies, we will be introducing the unit of inquiry and adding to the students' question board. We will also be developing students' understanding of how shared beliefs and principals are established in a society.

In math, we will work on U.S. Customary measurement conversions: ounces-pounds, inches-feet-yards, fluid ounces-cups-pints-quarts-gallons, seconds-minutes-hours-day. We will put a focus on solving problems related to real-world situations involving these measurements. Talk to your child about how much he or she weighed at birth! Ask how many more ounces would make another pound.

In science, we are using our time to prepare for hosting Village Gathering. When that is over, we will focus on reviewing our year's content and then doing some experiments that take them through the scientific process!

We will be busy prepping for Thursday's village gathering all week since the Ary/Broman-Fulks crew is hosting! We hope to see you there at 1:45! -Ms. Ary

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