Monday, April 20, 2015

Update for Week of 4/20/15 & Testing Reminders

Good morning,

I hope you all had a great weekend! Communication folders are coming home today. Students can keep their report cards and their writing pieces from this term. If your child's math test is not in their folder, it will be returned to you later this week! Mrs. Broman-Fulks is going through the assessments with each student individually, and some of them will be completed tomorrow. Here's what's on our agenda for this week:

In reading, I am starting a read aloud called The Hope Chest. While the book itself is fiction, it brings history alive for kids to get a glimpse at what happened during the 1920's before women were given the right to vote. It really is hard to put the book down! Feel free to ask your child about this exciting text!

In social studies,
we will be learning about the life of Harriet Tubman.  We are close reading one of her most famous speeches entitled, "Aint I A Woman?" You can read more about the significance of close reading here:

In math, we will focus on reviewing. I will hold off on giving the test on U.S. Customary conversions until after GMAS.

In science, we will begin brainstorming and asking questions to guide our experiments! I'm sure you're child would love to share ideas with you! Remember, a good science experiments starts with something you already know (have observed) that you have further questions about.

Georgia Milestones begins tomorrow! We will begin testing each day at 7:45.
•    Please make sure your child is on time and has eaten a hearty breakfast.
•    We will allow students to bring a healthy snack to enjoy after each day's sessions are complete.
•    Students should also make sure they bring a book to read because the school library will be closed (they can use my classroom library as needed as well).

The testing schedule:
•    Tuesday: ELA sessions 1 and 2
•    Wednesday: ELA session 3
•    Thursday: Math
•    Friday: Science
•    Monday: Social Studies

To help students unwind after each day of testing, we'd love to reward them for their hard work! If you would be willing to donate a box of popsicles (gluten, nut, and lactose free please), please send them in with your child any morning this week! Thanks so much!


We are taking the paper version of the Georgia Milestones assessment next Tuesday through the following Monday. Some students have a specific accommodation that requires them to take the test online. If this is the case, they will take it online in another classroom. The 4th graders will be taking this assessment between 7:45 and noon. Please make sure that your child is in their seat before 7:45 a.m. and they have eaten a proper breakfast. We will have lunch daily at 12:00.

Here are the testing dates/sections:
Tuesday: ELA Day 1
Wednesday: ELA Day 2
Thursday: Math Day 3
Friday: Science Day 4
Monday: Social Studies Day 5

Monday, April 13, 2015

Update for Week of 4/13/15

I hope everyone had a wonderful break! I sure did enjoy some downtime at the beach. I hope you were able to enjoy the beautiful weather with your family! How is it that we only have six weeks left of school? This year has flown by! I continue to feel grateful for such a supportive group of parents.

Here's what is on our agenda for this week:

Testing NEXT Week! Message from Mr. Roaden:
As I am sure you are all aware we begin GMAS (replaces CRCT) testing April 21 and continue testing through April 27.  This year testing is in two sessions each day.  4th Grade students will test beginning at 7:45 and test until approximately noon.  5th graders will begin testing at noon and test until dismissal at 2:45.  Please make sure your student is here ready to learn at 7:45 am.  No students will be dismissed before 2:45 pm.  I hope you can respect our need to be as careful as we can during the testing window. 

Our term 6 central idea states our beliefs reflect culture, personal experiences, and societal influences.

In reading and writing, we are reading various public service announcements are determining how they are supported with reasons and evidence. At the end of the week, I hope to have students invent their own PSA that is supported with facts, quotes, statistics, and a written explanation.

In social studies, we will be introducing the unit of inquiry and adding to the students' question board. We will also be developing students' understanding of how shared beliefs and principals are established in a society.

In math, we will work on U.S. Customary measurement conversions: ounces-pounds, inches-feet-yards, fluid ounces-cups-pints-quarts-gallons, seconds-minutes-hours-day. We will put a focus on solving problems related to real-world situations involving these measurements. Talk to your child about how much he or she weighed at birth! Ask how many more ounces would make another pound.

In science, we are using our time to prepare for hosting Village Gathering. When that is over, we will focus on reviewing our year's content and then doing some experiments that take them through the scientific process!

We will be busy prepping for Thursday's village gathering all week since the Ary/Broman-Fulks crew is hosting! We hope to see you there at 1:45! -Ms. Ary

Term 6 Is Here!

This term our central idea states, "beliefs reflect culture, personal experiences, and societal influences." Today the students wrote some of their own personal beliefs on the outside of a frayer box. (YES-I let the students write all over their tables! They loved it!) 

After this, the students were asked to find common beliefs between themselves and their table buddies. We all learned something new about one another! I look forward to hearing the students share more of their personal beliefs, and how their lives have been shaped by these beliefs. -Ms. Ary


Thursday, April 2, 2015

Update for Week of 3/30/15

I hope you all had a great weekend! We have a busy week ahead!

In reading, we are focusing on scientific texts based on simple machines & robots. The students will be using these texts to determine the main idea and identify evidence the author is using.

In writing, the students are wrapping up their informational research assignments. Each student will be presenting their work!

In social studies, we will be reviewing and taking the assessment later in the week. Each student has a study guide that they completed in class.

In math, we will be finishing our unit and taking our test Thursday and Friday. We will focus on comparing fractions and adding and subtracting fractions and decimals of tenths and hundredths.

In science, will are finishing up our test that we started last week and then we'll focus on wrapping up the IB unit of inquiry.


•    Spring break is next week! I hope the students enjoy some time to rejuvenate away from school!
•    Our next Village Gathering is April 16 at 1:45. Our class is hosting, so come by to see what they put together!
•    The testing window for Georgia Milestones begins April 21st. The specific testing schedule will be sent soon.
•    Spring MAP will begin in early May. Again, the schedule will be sent in the coming weeks.
•    Our class raised the most money for the Pennies for Patients fund! We will be celebrating with a pizza party later in the year!  Thank you all so much for your support with that fundraiser!