Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Update for Week of 2/2/14

In reading, we are still comparing and contrasting themes in myths. We are also learning how to distinguish between a firsthand and secondhand account of an event. The AR challenge for this term ended on Friday. We have TEN winners in the Ary/Broman-Fulks crew! One student even read 17 texts on his level! Wow! I found that the students were motivated to read, especially since they have been given minimal homework over the last four weeks. Way to go! The winners will receive a ticket to a Hawks game, and the top 3 readers will get a pizza party! Thank you for always encouraging reading into your child's daily routine.

In writing,
we are looking at a sample literary essay today. During this week, the students will continue to draft and revise their essays. We plan to begin editing and meeting in writing partnerships by Friday. Feel free to check out your child's draft!

In social studies, we are studying how the bill of rights places limits on the national government. We will also be researching the causes of the War of 1812. A study packet is being sent home today and is due Thursday. We will begin the assessment on Monday, 2/9!

In science, the students are working on a study guide for the light unit. We will start our sound unit this week. It's very quick. We study how sound is produced by vibrations and causes for variations of pitch.

In math, we are comparing fractions with like and unlike denominators using >, <, and =. We have several strategies for doing this: draw a pictures, reasoning, using a benchmark of 1/2 or 1 whole, and using equivalent fractions to find a common denominator. We will also reviewing adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators and then use those skills to solve word problems.

Upcoming Events:
This week is math-a-ton! Feel free to allow your child some time for www.sumdog.com at home! They are getting on this daily at school too.

On February 12th, we are taking a field trip to the Fox to see Alvin Ailey! If you have not been on a field trip with us yet, and you would like to volunteer, please let me know. The cost is $15.

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