Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Update for Week of 2/9/14

I hope everyone was able to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend! Here is our weekly update:

In social studies, we are continuing our discussion on the War of 1812. We are also reviewing, and beginning the assessment on Tuesday. The students have a study guide that we called the "gallopade" to prepare at home tonight.

In writing, all students are publishing on Monday and Tuesday. These literary essays are great! Also, the students did a great job meeting with their writing partners on Friday. It's amazing to see the progress that they have made throughout the year, especially when it comes to peer reviewing. 

In reading, we are going to be exploring texts on the Overdrive app. The students have access to a lot of e-books on their Ipads!

In math, we are finishing our unit by learning about line plots that use fractional parts.  We will begin our test on Wednesday. Please review these topics in preparation:
•    creating equivalent fractions using models or by multiplying or dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number
•    comparing fractions (with like and unlike denominators) using models, benchmarks, reasoning, or finding like denominators by creating equivalent fractions
•    adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers with like denominators
•    decomposing fractions (like 3/8 = 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 or 2/8 + 1/8)
•    solving word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions and mixed numbers
•    identifying and using patterns
•    making a line plot to display a data set of measurements in fractions of a unit

In science, we will finish our unit on sound. We have discussed how sound is created by vibrations and the many factors that cause pitch to vary. Some specific examples are the thickness of guitar strings, the length of bars on a xylophone, and the speed of vibrations. This unit has been mostly hands-on, so they may have fewer notes written down than usual. We will also begin this test on Wednesday, so Tuesday will be devoted to reviewing. The test will cover light and sound. The students have a study guide for the light unit.

This Thursday is our field trip to see the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater! We are asking that students please dress up a little for this special theater experience at the Fox! We will be eating a late lunch (possibly around 1:00), so students will be allowed to eat a snack at about 8:45 that morning just before we leave. Please send a healthy, hearty snack with your child. The hours before and after the field trip will be spent completing our learning units.

The student led conference link was sent out last week. This is a school-wide event on February 26th from 4-6 p.m. Please keep in mind that this is an optional 15 min. conference that will be led by your child in their homeroom. There will be multiple conferences going on at the same time. This is not a time to conference with a teacher. Please be on time!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Update for Week of 2/2/14

In reading, we are still comparing and contrasting themes in myths. We are also learning how to distinguish between a firsthand and secondhand account of an event. The AR challenge for this term ended on Friday. We have TEN winners in the Ary/Broman-Fulks crew! One student even read 17 texts on his level! Wow! I found that the students were motivated to read, especially since they have been given minimal homework over the last four weeks. Way to go! The winners will receive a ticket to a Hawks game, and the top 3 readers will get a pizza party! Thank you for always encouraging reading into your child's daily routine.

In writing,
we are looking at a sample literary essay today. During this week, the students will continue to draft and revise their essays. We plan to begin editing and meeting in writing partnerships by Friday. Feel free to check out your child's draft!

In social studies, we are studying how the bill of rights places limits on the national government. We will also be researching the causes of the War of 1812. A study packet is being sent home today and is due Thursday. We will begin the assessment on Monday, 2/9!

In science, the students are working on a study guide for the light unit. We will start our sound unit this week. It's very quick. We study how sound is produced by vibrations and causes for variations of pitch.

In math, we are comparing fractions with like and unlike denominators using >, <, and =. We have several strategies for doing this: draw a pictures, reasoning, using a benchmark of 1/2 or 1 whole, and using equivalent fractions to find a common denominator. We will also reviewing adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators and then use those skills to solve word problems.

Upcoming Events:
This week is math-a-ton! Feel free to allow your child some time for www.sumdog.com at home! They are getting on this daily at school too.

On February 12th, we are taking a field trip to the Fox to see Alvin Ailey! If you have not been on a field trip with us yet, and you would like to volunteer, please let me know. The cost is $15.