Monday, January 5, 2015

Update for Week of 12/15/14

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Thank you to everyone who brought in gloves, hats, and scarves for the school drive. Here's what we have planned for this week:

In ELA, the students are publishing their informational mini-books. Students have the choice to type, or handwrite their piece. They have worked so hard for the past three weeks on drafting, revising, and editing. These will be sent home in January along with the report cards.

In social studies, the students will be playing jeopardy today and reviewing for their test on the American Revolution! The test will be administered on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

In science, we'll be finishing up our weather unit by studying the differences between weather and climate. I have put some links on my website for students to use to find more information. You'll also want to make sure to review all the vocabulary from this term. The students got a study guide Monday.

In math, we'll be studying lines of symmetry and various classifications of triangles and quadrilaterals. You can find helpful videos at Once there, click math and then geometry. You'll see a variety of topics we've been working on. Please continue to review additive angles by watching these videos on LZ3270, LZ3253, LZ3254, LZ3402, and LZ3403. We will have an assessment Wednesday and/or Thursday.

Also, don't forget that Friday is American Revolution Day:

As part of our unit of inquiry, HOW WE ORGANIZE OURSELVES, the 4th grade teachers and students are invited to dress up as individuals who lived during the American Revolution. You can choose to be a Tory or a Patriot, but remember to follow the FAVE rules: no toy weapons and no inappropriate clothing.

Students have been learning about how knowledge of the past can be used to organize and make decisions about the future. On Friday, 12/19, classes will be visited by characters from the past. These individuals will discuss their respective roles in the organization of our country.

Last, please join us for our Winter learning celebration this Friday at 12:30! The students will be sharing some of their favorites from the past six weeks, and you will be given the opportunity to comment on their work during a gallery walk.

Have a good week! -Ms. Ary

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