Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Update for Week of 1/26/15

In reading, we are working on identifying theme. We will also be reading, analyzing, and comparing two myths: Loo Wit and the Firekeeper & Pandora's Box.

In writing, the students are working on building evidence for their first literary essay. The students have chosen a thesis statement and are pre-writing using a "boxes and bullets organizer." Feel free to ask to see this along with any other pre-writing strategies your child is using.

In social studies, we are decoding the preamble this week! We have been reading We the Kids by David Catrow-it us such an entertaining, enlightening way to learn about the Constitution!

In math, we are continue to practice finding equivalent fractions. We use number lines, area models, and multiplication and division of the numerator and denominator. Next, we'll be moving to comparing fractions using >, <, and =. Students will need to be able to find equivalent fractions in order to compare some fractions that have different denominators.

In science, we will study the differences in features and purposes of convex and concave lenses. We'll also observe how prisms work.

If you haven't yet, please send in permission slips and money for the Alvin Ailey field trip Feb. 12.

Explorations are Wednesday. Ask your child to share his or her experience that evening!                 

-Mrs. Ary

Thursday, January 22, 2015

First Ever FAVE Math-A-Thon Under Way!! Get Sponsors/Pledges NOW!

First Ever FAVE Math-A-Thon

The FAVE PTO is excited to kick off FAVE's first-ever MATH-A-THON! The Math-A-Thon will encourage all the students of FAVE to excel in math while also raising funds for Field Experiences and other programs/materials. Students will be using a fun math game called "Sum Dog" to earn points at school and at home. The kickoff for this school-wide event started January 20th. Kids brought home their sponsor sheets in their folders. NOW is the time to call or email Grandma and all those out of state relatives and ask them to sponsor you during Math-A-Thon.  Parents, family and friends can sponsor their child and pledge to donate based on the number of points a child earns or for a flat fee amount.
More details on the PTO website at or in the info packet sent home with your child.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Update for Week of 1/12/15

I hope you all had a nice weekend. We have reached the mid-point of the year and we need your feedback on how flexible teaching has worked for your child! Your feedback is crucial to the continuation of this model. Please click the link below to share your thoughts!

Weekly Update:

In reading, we are kicking off a reading challenge! Students will be challenged to read books and score above a 70% on all AR tests during the next few weeks. Because of this, there will be no spelling homework. Your child's updated reading range is in this week's communication folder. Please refer to the STAR printout and focus particularly on the ZPD. This is the appropriate reading range for your child.

In writing, we are discussing the major differences between poetry, drama, and prose. We are also looking at how authors use figurative language. The students enjoyed making up similes and metaphors during last weeks lessons...although "my brother is a devil" was often used......The students kept me laughing!

In social studies, we are focusing on the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. The students are working in groups to research one item that was debated by the Continental Congress and then presenting this information to the class.

In math, we are decomposing fractions and starting to learn about fraction equivalency. Please ask your children to share their math journals with you! And remember: fractions are not scary! :)

In science, we have begun our unit on light. We started with how light does or does not travel through transparent, translucent, and opaque objects. Now, we are focusing on light reflection, refraction, and absorption. Next, we'll talk about different types of lenses (concave and convex), the visible spectrum, and prisms.

Important Dates:
Spelling Bee: Jan 15th at 9 a.m.
Class Pictures: Jan 20th
Student Explorations: Jan 28th
Field Trip to the Fox Theater: Feb 12th

Please also see below for information about the Student Media Festival.

City Schools of Decatur Student Media Festival 2015[Image:CSDSMFLogo.jpg]
A showcase for student-created multimedia work

City Schools of Decatur seeks multimedia projects created by students in grades 1-12.  Submissions for the CSD Student Media Festival must be solely student generated, created for school or personal purpose, and can fall under any one of the following categories:

·    Presentation slideshow with or without sound
·    Movie (live, animation, or documentary)
·    Podcast
·    Website

Project submissions are due Friday, March 13, 2015 by 4:00 pm to Renfroe Middle School, Kim Boswell, 220 W. College, Decatur, GA 30030.  Submissions may be on CD or USB drive along with the proper application and release form attached.

Based upon a rubric from the Georgia State Media Festival, entries with the highest scores will represent City Schools of Decatur at the [ ]Georgia State Media Festival.

The festival showcase and award presentation will be the last week in March 4:00-6:00 pm at the Decatur Performing Arts building.

For more information and to download the application, please see the Student Media Festival website at

Contact: Kim Boswell, Instructional Technology Specialist,

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday break. I just wanted to say a quick thank you for the holiday gift card. It was incredibly thoughtful. Also, thank you to all of those who attended the term 3 learning celebration. The students and I were reflecting on your comments from the gallery walk today and they were SO proud of their hard work! It has been a wonderful first half of the year. I look forward to seeing your children grow and develop more everyday. Thank you for sharing them with me.
                              Love, Mrs. Ary

Monday, January 5, 2015

Update for Week of 12/15/14

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Thank you to everyone who brought in gloves, hats, and scarves for the school drive. Here's what we have planned for this week:

In ELA, the students are publishing their informational mini-books. Students have the choice to type, or handwrite their piece. They have worked so hard for the past three weeks on drafting, revising, and editing. These will be sent home in January along with the report cards.

In social studies, the students will be playing jeopardy today and reviewing for their test on the American Revolution! The test will be administered on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

In science, we'll be finishing up our weather unit by studying the differences between weather and climate. I have put some links on my website for students to use to find more information. You'll also want to make sure to review all the vocabulary from this term. The students got a study guide Monday.

In math, we'll be studying lines of symmetry and various classifications of triangles and quadrilaterals. You can find helpful videos at Once there, click math and then geometry. You'll see a variety of topics we've been working on. Please continue to review additive angles by watching these videos on LZ3270, LZ3253, LZ3254, LZ3402, and LZ3403. We will have an assessment Wednesday and/or Thursday.

Also, don't forget that Friday is American Revolution Day:

As part of our unit of inquiry, HOW WE ORGANIZE OURSELVES, the 4th grade teachers and students are invited to dress up as individuals who lived during the American Revolution. You can choose to be a Tory or a Patriot, but remember to follow the FAVE rules: no toy weapons and no inappropriate clothing.

Students have been learning about how knowledge of the past can be used to organize and make decisions about the future. On Friday, 12/19, classes will be visited by characters from the past. These individuals will discuss their respective roles in the organization of our country.

Last, please join us for our Winter learning celebration this Friday at 12:30! The students will be sharing some of their favorites from the past six weeks, and you will be given the opportunity to comment on their work during a gallery walk.

Have a good week! -Ms. Ary