Monday, November 17, 2014

Update for week of 11/17/14

I am incredibly grateful to be surrounded by such a loving, considerate group of parents and students. Friday's surprise wedding shower was amazing! Thank you for sharing your children with me.


Students are working hard to prepare for their presentations at our annual Literary Café on Tuesday, Nov. 18 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. We want each child to have his or her moment to shine and then to celebrate afterward!

Report cards, student work, CoGat scores, and book fair wish lists are coming home today in the communication folders.

In reading, we are working on making inferences (using background knowledge and context clues) based on texts that we are reading. The students will also be using evidence based terms to explain their own inferences of various texts. I will have the students place a picture of the "evidence based terms" anchor chart in the classroom into their Edmodo backpacks so they can share this with you!

In writing/social studies, the students are taking notes/researching in preparation for drafting their first informational book. All of the students' topics are based on events that led to or occurred during the American Revolution. Feel free to allow research to take place at home. The students are loving this unit!

In science,
we are studying the water cycle and making sure we use specific vocabulary: evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. We are singing a great song in class that pretty much sums up what they need to know (and adds a little fun!). [ ]Cool Water Cycle Song 

The students have a copy of the lyrics. Later in the week, we'll learn about different types of precipitation, different types of clouds, and how certain sky conditions indicate certain weather. Writing Connection: The students will be creating informational pieces in science after the break.

In math, we're wrapping up our unit on metric measurement conversions and will have the test tomorrow. After that, we'll start our geometry unit. Key vocabulary/topics to get us started; point, line, line segment, ray, right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle, perpendicular lines, and parallel lines.

Please continue to practice division at home! We are going to work hard throughout the rest of the year to master multiplication and division, but a little bit of practice at home will go a long way (even if your child got a 3 on his or her report card - practice at home will help him or her maintain that skill)!

Have a great week! Thanks for reading! -Ms. Ary

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