Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Week of December 16th Update

In reading and writing, the students will be working on their second opinion writing piece!

In social studies, we will be practicing a reader's theater based on the American Revolution!

In math, we're taking our test on fractions. We'll complete it like we did last term: review a section/skill for the first part of class, and take that section during the last part of class.

In science, we're finishing our unit on sound. The Smarties will take the test Wednesday, and the Rulers will take the test Thursday because of the adjusted schedule with Spanish (each week, the students only get four days of science because they have an odd Spanish time. The Rulers do not have science on Wednesdays because of this. That's why they'll take the test Thursday. The Smarties do not have science on Thursdays).

Winter Learning Celebration
Our Winter learning celebration will be held this Friday, December 20th from 1:00-2:15. Please plan to join us! *Please note that parking can be difficult at FAVE, especially when so many classes will be having celebrations at the same time. Please plan accordingly.

Clothing/Toy Drive
One student from Miss Ary's homeroom class will be moving to Ethiopia in January. She has graciously offered to take any clothing or toys that we collect! Feel free to bring in anything that you would like to donate. We are collecting the items in Miss Ary's homeroom! Thank you!

Parent Portal
For ela and social studies, please refer to the parent portal to see how your child is doing. Miss Ary puts in a few grades per week! Because math skills are continuously being retaught and grades are constantly changing, Mrs. Broman-Fulks does not update the parent portal as often as Miss Ary. You can use your child's success on homework tasks to gauge where he or she may need help. Please contact Mrs. Broman-Fulks if you have specific questions about math. *If you do not know your login, please ask Susie Girardeau at the front desk of the 4/5 Academy. 

Have a great week! -Miss Ary

Monday, December 9, 2013

Week of December 9th Update

 Hope you all had a restful weekend!

In reading and writing this week, we will be discussing various text structures that authors use, comparing and contrasting firsthand accounts and secondhand accounts, and re-taking the STAR reading assessment to monitor growth.

In social studies, we will be practicing a reader's theater that the students will present during our winter learning celebration on December 20th from 1:00-2:15. Please plan to join us on that day!

In math, we'll be be adding and subtracting mixed numbers. We'll also be reviewing a lot! Our biggest focus will be on comparing and ordering fractions with unlike denominators. For example, putting 3/4, 5/8, and 7/8 in order from greatest to least or least to greatest. They need to find a common denominator and use equivalent fractions to do so. For example, you could change 3/4 to 6/8 by multiplying the numerator and denominator by 2. Then you'd know that 3/4 goes between 5/8 and 7/8. This is very difficult for many students because it requires so many steps. Expect to see 2-3 nights of homework this week.

In science, we're really getting into our unit on sound - our big focuses are on how sound is produced (vibrations) and what causes different pitches (speed and length).

MAP Testing Dates: Monday, 12/9 (Reading); Tuesday, 12/10 (Language Arts) 7:55-9:00

A Note From the Room Parents:
We already have volunteers to bring refreshments to the December End of Term learning celebration. There will be 3 more learning celebrations in February, April, and May. If you would like to volunteer to bring refreshments for any of those let me know.  The dates are February 14, April 4, and May 28.
Jackie Ashley

Have a great week! -Miss Ary

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Opinion Writing Checklist

Opinion Writing Checklist
Your writing should include...

I have introduced my topic clearly (thesis statement) ____

I have at least 3 reasons that are supported by facts and details ____

I have used appropriate transitional words ____

I have included details that make my writing unique ____

I have a conclusion  ____

I have used the writing process and kept all of my drafts ____

1: I did not understand the task, and I need help.
2: I can show some understanding, and I need help.
3: I can consistently show understanding without help.
4: I can consistently show my understanding beyond what my teacher me. I can also connect my writing to the central idea.

American Revolution Assessment Is Coming Up!

*Check out the resources that I have uploaded into Edmodo

*Here are some notes that I will be giving out on Wednesday: 

Causes and Events that led to the American Revolution

After the French and Indian war, parliament passed new laws for the colonists because they had to pay for the war.

Colonists who formed a group who wanted independence: Sons of Liberty

No taxation without representation: the colonists had no say in parliament, or the new laws

Stamp Act: tax on paper, all paper had to have a specific stamp on it

Boston Tea Party: When a group of colonists dressed up as Native Americans and dumped tea into the Boston harbor

Lexington: first shots of the war were fired in this Massachusetts town

Why did British troops march to Concord in 1775? To take the ammo, or guns that was being hidden

Saratoga: Considered the “turning point in the war” because Continental army proved they could win

Yorktown: last battle of the war

Treaty of Paris: marked the end of the American Revolution

Advantages of the British Army: large army, strong leaders
Disadvantages of the British Army: no guerilla warfare, dependent on their leaders and generals for direction

Who won the Revolutionary War?
The Continental Army. This meant freedom from King George III.

Declaration of Independence
Who wrote it? Thomas Jefferson

Why was it written? To declare independence from Britain and King George III

What does tyranny mean? A cruel government, or leader

Important People

Thomas Jefferson: Main writer of the Declaration of Independence

Ben Franklin: American leader sent to Britain to ask for representation in parliament

George Washington: Leader of the Continental Army

King George III: King of England during the American Revolution

Patrick Henry: Spoke out about unfair taxes

Benedict Arnold: Continental army officer who became a traitor and worked for the British

Week of December 2nd Update

I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving break! 

In Social Studies, the students will begin preparing for their American Revolution assessment by filling out a study guide. We will go over the guide in class on Tuesday and Wednesday. The assessment will be broken up into smaller portions, and will begin on Thursday.

, we are drafting an opinion piece. The students will be using an opinion writing checklist and meeting in writing partnerships.

In math, we'll be adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators, and we'll be adding and subtracting improper fractions and mixed numbers with like denominators. You can support your child's learning by helping review how to convert improper fractions and mixed numbers. Go to[ ] Type in these codes in the search box to watch tutorials (in this order): LZ84, LZ85, and LZ86. We'll also review comparing and ordering fractions with like and unlike denominators. You can look for them to make number lines, draw models, find common denominators, and use benchmark fractions (like 1/2).

In science, we'll finish our light unit and take an assessment Wednesday or Thursday. Terms to study: transparent, translucent, opaque, reflection, refraction, absorption, prisms, visible spectrum, convex lens, and concave lens. Tell your child to show you his or her science journal for some good notes and drawings! We'll start our sound unit after that.

MAP Testing schedule:  

Friday, 12/6 (Math); Monday, 12/9 (Rdg); Tuesday, 12/10 (ELA) 7:55-9:00

Have a great week! -Miss Ary