Monday, October 28, 2013

Week of October 28th Update

Hope everyone had a nice weekend. The field trip on Friday was very fun and cold! Thanks to those who braved the weather and volunteered! Check out some of the learning stations that we visited:

In Social Studies, we will be studying the causes of the French and Indian War.

In ELA, the students will be writing an "I Am" poem and learning new "close reading" strategies. *We are beginning word study this week! The students will be given a spelling menu each Monday. They are required to choose 1 activity per night. All spelling homework is due on Fridays. The students will be given a spelling test on Fridays over ten of their words.

In science, we got behind at the end of last term! We'll be finishing our unit on outer space and have the test on Friday. They will have review materials in their science folders.

In math, we'll be working on patterns and function tables. We'll have a quiz Thursday. Go to these websites to practice at home:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Week of October 21st Update

The students and I have been enjoying ourselves this week...Here's a recap from when Lemony Snicket came to see us! -Miss Ary

Monday, October 7, 2013

Week of October 7th Update

From Mrs. Broman-Fulks:
Hi everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! I can't believe we're half way through the second term! The students are learning so much, and I hope they've shared all of it with you!
General Information:
•    Go to for an update on the standards we are teaching this term, IB unit information, and links to Compass learning and instructions for accessing Quizlet for Spanish
•    If you haven't signed up for a conference and would like one, go to

Math: We will continue learning various strategies for multiplying 2-digit numbers. We may or may not start division strategies. It depends on students' needs. They have impressed me so far with their ability to complete area models and partial products. They will have homework again this week! The homework will review factors and multiples. Please continue to drill multiplication facts! Also, try to complete two sessions on Compass Learning - math - each week. I'd recommend 15 minutes per session.

Science: We're moving our study through the planets and will continue with moon phases, day/night cycles, and season. I've really enjoyed students' enthusiasm during this unit. It's a popular one among teachers and students! The students will also be working in class on a technology project for a learning celebration at the end of this term. Students should be reviewing their daily notes each night. Continue working on the moon phase calendar!

From Miss Ary:
Happy Fall! We are well into term two, and learning something new every day! This week's homework includes: read 30 minutes, fill out weekly reading log, work on reading contract that is due October 23rd.

In social studies, I have been blown away with the students' interest in the European explorers. Last week, the students wrapped up their presentations. Many of the students chose to share information on their favorite explorer using the Pages app. Others blew me away with short pop quizzes at the end of their presentations. We definitely have a few future teachers on our hands! This week, we will be studying the 13 colonies, and how the colonists' lives varied from region to region. The students will be taking a "Map of the 13 colonies" quiz on Friday.

In writing, the students will continue drafting their first narrative. This week, our focus is on using specific strategies to revise and edit. The students should continue to add to to their writing by incorporating dialogue, description, and compound sentences. Later in the week, students will conference with their writing partner using a peer editing checklist found here:

In reading, I will begin re-assessing each student's accuracy, fluency, and comprehension using the school-wide fiction reading assessment that I used during term 1. The students will also be studying how point of view affects the way you understand the characters and plot within a story. On Friday, the students will have a point of view quiz and will be asked to determine between 1st and 3rd person.

Have a great week! As always, contact me with any questions via