Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Update for Week of 12/8/14

In writing, the students are drafting and revising their informational books. Ask to see their informational writing checklist if you'd like to see what their writing should entail.

In reading, the students enjoyed watching this flocabulary video today: https://www.flocabulary.com/fivethings/ (Not as cool as the water cycle song....I know) Throughout the week, we will be identifying story elements of various fictional texts and recognizing how the elements help readers understand the details in a story or drama.

In social studies,
we are looking into how the Declaration of Independence was actually written in response to tyranny, and the abuse of power. The students will be given a "cheat sheet" on the parts of the Declaration, and will even be given the opportunity to write their own version!

In science,
we are reviewing weather instruments and the difference between weather and climate. Please quiz your students at home! We will be finishing our unit this week by studying weather maps including high and low pressure, warm front, cold front, occluded front, and trough. Check out this interactive website:  [ http://www.edheads.org/activities/weather/ ]weather . The students will get a study guide either at the end of this week or on Monday. The test will likely be Wednesday of next week.

In math,
we will continue practicing measuring angles with protractors. If your child wants to bring a protractor from home, that's fine! I am really focusing on precision with the students! It's so very important! Please continue to study the vocabulary from previous weeks. Looking ahead, we will be moving to lines of symmetry, characteristics of different quadrilaterals, and also additive angles (learnzillion codes LZ3270, LZ3253, LZ3254, LZ3402, and LZ3403).

End of Term Learning Celebration!
Please join us next Friday, December 19th at 12:30 for a celebration of our learning this term. We will have a presentation of the IB unit, a gallery walk of student work, and a little music for entertainment!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Update for Week of 12/11/14

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break! The wedding was perfect! Thank you for all of the well wishes! I am attaching a sneak peak that the photographer shared with me. I cannot believe it is already December! Here's our weekly update:

In English-language arts,
we will be drafting our informational mini-books. The students have been given ample time and resources to research topics. The students will be meeting in focus groups to discuss their topics, and they will also be working on chapters 1 and 2. Ask to see your child's notes and Naomi's piece (a 4th grader's work/sample piece)!

In social studies, we are reading about different perspectives of the American Revolution. We will be identifying the main idea and supporting details of these texts.

In math, we'll continue our geometry unit. Students have made flashcards for the vocabulary. However, they will need to be able to identify the two-dimensional figures within shapes and pictures. Vocabulary: point, line, line segment, ray, right angle, acute angle, obtuse angle, perpendicular lines, and parallel lines. Copy and paste these quick codes in the search box at learnzillion.com: LZ3916, LZ3917, LZ3918, LZ3919, LZ3920, LZ2346, LZ2395, LZ2313, LZ2416, LZ2521.

In science,
we will finish our cloud brochures and then move on to weather instruments: barometer, thermometer, rain gauge, wind vane, and anemometer. Check out this cool website: [ http://www.weatherwizkids.com/index.htm ]Weather Wiz Kids Choose topics on the left-hand side for specific information.

Map Testing Begins This Week! We will have our tests Tuesday-Thursday at 1:25 p.m.
12/2 Math
12/3 Reading
12/4 Language Arts