Thursday, April 17, 2014

CRCT Dates!

4/23 Reading 
4/24 English-Language Arts
4/25 Math
4/28 Science
4/29 Social Studies

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Week of 3/31 Update

Good afternoon,

I hope you are all off to a great week! I cannot believe we are already in the last week of the term! Where has the time gone?! Please join us this Friday, April 4th from 1:00-2:15 to celebrate all that we have learned this term! The students will be presenting a simple machine that they have invented. I'm excited to see what they have come up with!

In language arts, there will be no spelling homework this week! We are busy finishing up our informational writing pieces & publishing them! The students blew me away with their time management & researching skills. We have become experts using World Book Online and Nettrekker. We are so lucky to have great online resources provided by the school.  Reading contracts are due April 3rd. The students are finishing those at school by making an Imovie trailer based on one of the books they read during the last six weeks. At this point, each student should have read 1 autobiography, 2 fiction, and 1 non-fiction books during the last six weeks.

In social studies, we are discussing important inventions during the time of westward expansion.  Tonight the students will be studying in place of reading for their assessment on Wednesday and Thursday. The students have Chapters 13 & 14 "Gallopade" to study tonight. This is a resource that we use to review. Tomorrow I will be giving out a study guide! The students are well prepared for the assessment and they will be given ample time to complete it.

In science, we are finishing up our force and motion unit with our study of simple machines. We will take the test on Wednesday and Thursday. During our review, we're creating projects that connect to our IB unit.  Please know: if your child comes home saying he or she needs some crazy materials for science, you CAN tell them no! Some of them have some pretty lofty ideas, and I've tried to make sure I double checked each group to approve their materials. Some of them are insistent that they can do parts of it at home. That is fine, although I do not want them to build the whole project at home. It really is more of a class project, especially because it's a group project.

In math, we're finishing our unit on measurement and line plots. We've already taken part of the final assessment a few weeks ago (Metric), and we'll take the Customary test this week. We'll do area and perimeter later this week. I'll send some learnzillion codes when we get to those.

Apologies for the INFORMATION OVERLOAD! Have a great week. -Miss Ary