Monday, September 30, 2013

Week of September 30th Update

In Math, we will be reviewing factors and multiples, prime and composite, and addition and subtraction. We will begin learning strategies for multiplying 2-digit numbers. The students will be learning several strategies for this, and they'll be given the option of choosing the one that works best for them. The traditional algorithm is not a fourth grade standard. Typically, students like to use strategies called area models and partial products.
**The students will have addition and subtraction homework this week.
**Remember, students can do Xtramath at home:

In Science, we'll be finishing up our study of planets and stars. We'll have a quiz on Friday. They will have a lot of notes in their journals, so be sure to ask them! They need to know characteristics of stars (sizes, temperatures, colors) and the order and sizes of the planets (including dwarf planets). They also need to know the major differences between planets and stars. Check out the Science Techbook at and if you're looking for information at home!

In Social Studies, we are presenting research projects on the European Explorers that the students have been working on. Later in the week, we will begin discussing the opportunity costs of early exploration.

In Reader's Workshop, we are learning how to identify the theme in a fiction story. We are also learning how to use a 5 word summary strategy to summarize various texts.

Ask your child to re-tell you what happened in The Lorax using the strategy: ""

In Writer's Workshop, we are drafting our first narrative piece. We have been busy looking at mentor texts for ideas and strategies to mimic! This week, our focus is on adding transitional words and adding details to the characters in our story.

Some Important Annoucements:
Keep track of your child’s behavior via
Parent Codes are being re-sent home today! 

From the Spanish Department:  Please make sure your student studies the assigned vocabulary/sentence structures daily.  Language acquisition requires constant practice.  Students can find the assigned words on the Spanish Website and on

Conferences are optional, but we would be happy to sit down to discuss your child’s progress. Due to limited time frames, please email your child’s homeroom teacher to set up a phone conference if needed. Please visit the following link to set up a convenient time to meet in the classroom:

Have a great week! -Miss Ary

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Week of September 16th Update

Wow! I cannot believe we are already in term two. I hope you all enjoyed your Fall break as much as I did! Report cards will go home September 23rd, so be on the look out for those in communication folders.

This week:
 In Writer's Workshop, we are looking at mentor texts, and checking out the various techniques writers use in narrative writing. 

In Reader's Workshop, we are learning how to describe the story elements in a fictional story. Check out the "5 things" song we have enjoyed learning:

In Social Studies, we are looking at the relationship between the Native Americans and the Europeans when the explorers first arrived. The students have enjoyed learning about sponsorships, and the many obstacles the European explorers faced. 

Some important announcements: 

-Keep track of your child’s behavior via  Parent Codes are being re-sent home again next Monday!

-You're invited to join us for optional Parent Sessions about Edmodo on our Ipads at F.AVE!  Edmodo is an Ipad app that we will be utilizing throughout the year. Check out this link to sign up:

-Ms. Broman-Fulks and I will be sending out a link via email to sign up for conferences. If you still have not received an email from one of us, we do NOT have your email on file. Please send it in!

-Keep track of your child’s reading at home. They should be reading at least 30 minutes a night as well as taking home their reading contract and working on book assessments while they read. is a great way for your child to practice fact fluency. They know their log-in information!

It is going to be a great term! -Miss Ary