Tuesday, April 23, 2013

End of the Year Conferences

 If you'd like to book a conference, feel free! I would love to sit down before the end of the year and discuss your child's progress! -Miss Ary

Click here:

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Happy Ipad Day!

Monday, April 15th, was declared Ipad day. We have enjoyed incorporating technology into our everyday lessons. At times, the students are definitely more tech savvy than I am! -Miss Ary

Monday, April 15, 2013

Term 5 Summative Task:Westward Expansion

While wrapping up term five, the students chose one idea related to Westward Expansion and formed a newspaper on their topic! The students enjoyed sharing their own ideas of Non-Fiction text, and I enjoyed reading their creative newspapers. -Miss Ary

Introduction to Measuring Angles

Click on the link below to practice your protractor skills:

-Miss Ary

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Term 6 Update

Miss Ary’s Class - Curriculum Update
April 1, 2013-May 24, 2013

Term 6:  An Inquiry Into: Who We Are

 During this term we will be studying:
§  Biographies
§  Opinion Writing
§  Geometry
§  Science Process Skills
§  Historical Figures
§  Core Democratic Values

The Central Idea is:
A culture’s beliefs are reflected in the rights and responsibilities of its people.

The lines of inquiry will lead to discussions about:
§  Shared beliefs and principles in a society
§  The struggle to define and maintain rights and responsibilites
§  Historical figures and governmental leaders
§  Characteristics that helped shape the beliefs and principles in our society leaders. (Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth and Elizabeth Cady Stanton)

Students will receive a new reading contract this week.  They will need to read 2 fiction books in their reading range, 1 biography, and 1 primary document.   All work is due on May 15th. 

For any information regarding ipad usage, terms of agreement, or questions, please visit http://fifthavenue.csdecatur.net/ipads/

Every students needs their "terms of use" agreement signed before we go home for spring break!

-Miss Ary