Monday, March 18, 2013

Westward Expansion & Gold Rush Resources

Students---Here are some resources you will need to familiarize yourselves with in order to complete the assigned research on Wednesday! -Miss Ary

Social Studies Book pages 450-451


Discovery Education:

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Friday Fun

On Friday, we celebrated our Georgia State intern's last day! We will miss Mrs. Morgan, but we are excited for what her future holds. Mrs. Morgan made "lollipops" with the students at recess. Each child received a balloon, and wrote one characteristic about themselves. Then, the students passed their balloons around and allowed others to add on.  What a creative way to reinforce character traits! The students loved this idea, and I did too!

Action Cycle

On Friday, many students took action and came to Social Studies class "in character" in order to review for our Westward Expansion Quiz.  The students played a quick game of "Who Am I?" based on the information that we read over the past two weeks. Here is a snapshot of one of our creative students....Lizzie, acting as Sacagawea's dog, Seaman. I look forward to doing this again in the future. I commend all of the students who dressed up, and got up in front of the class! Way to go!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

What's going on in our classroom?

We are busy kicking off term five! Where has the time gone? This term we are focusing on measurement, the water cycle, westward expansion, and many language usage concepts! If you have a computer at home, please encourage your children to get on Compass Learning as much as possible.  The students have shown great success with this resource! You can find more info here:

Today, the students enjoyed writer's workshop as we followed the informational prompt: Think about one thing you know how to do well. Write a report to your class describing what you do well & how you learned about it.