Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Guided Reading

Today, the students presented their guided reading jobs. The students received feedback from myself, and from their peers. This term, we have focused on Non-Fiction and Historical Fiction. The students love working in small groups, and I love hearing what they come up with! The students are allowed to make their own choice of a guided reading job.

Click here to see our Guided Reading jobs list!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Welcome Back!

Here are our MAP Testing Dates! Please be on time to school! 

11/30/12 Math at 7:50 a.m.

12/5/12 Reading at 7:50 a.m.

12/10/12 ELA at 7:50 a.m.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Curing Thanksgiving Break Boredom

To study Spanish vocabulary...

To practice Math and ELA concepts that you will see on the upcoming MAP...
username: lunch number
password: go
school: Decatur

To practice fact fluency...

To practice typing skills...(Thanks for sharing, Cole!) 

Have a wonderful, relaxing break! I am proud of everyone's work during the first three weeks of term 3! -Miss Ary

What does Liberty mean to you?

The students have enjoyed researching, discussing, and learning about the causes of the American Revolution. 

Today, the students discussed what Liberty means for our country. I was pleasantly surprised by their small-group discussions, and abstract thinking.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What are we learning?

The students have really enjoyed learning about fractions. This week, our focus has been on finding equivalents and comparing fractions. Today, we played a fraction game.  The students loved picking a partner and getting right to work! I have been thoroughly impressed with every child's inquiring mind, and ability to learn new concepts and mathematical models! Keep up the great work!

Thank You!

A special thank you to those who have made my birthday very special! I loved the surprise pizza party, delicious cake, and gift certificates! Y'all are the best!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Miss Ary’s Class Announcements

The 2012 Literary Café
It’s time to mark your calendars for the F.AVE 2012 Literary Café! Fourth grade will present their program on the evening of Tuesday, November 13th. The presentation program runs from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. and a “café” reception (in conjunction with the Book Fair) will run thirty minutes before and after the Literary Café. One representative from each class will present their original compositions in the multi-purpose room in front of a parent/peer audience. Congratulations to Ajanta Farrell, who was chosen to be our class representative! Following, the event will move into a more intimate setting as each classroom then hosts its students as they present to a smaller group of parents and peers. I hope to see many of you for this fun evening. It’s a great opportunity to celebrate your child’s writing and public speaking skills!

Thanksgiving Lunch
Please join our class for a Thanksgiving feast on November 13th from 11:30-12:00 p.m. We hope to see you there! The food is delish!

A New Way to Stay In Touch!
Check out our classroom website:

Thanksgiving Break
No School November 19th-23rd

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Term 3 Spelling Homework

Term 3 Spelling Homework: Choose three activities to complete for homework every week!
1. Spelling Sentences – Use fifteen words in sentences that show you know the meaning of the word; you may use more than one word in a sentence if you can! Underline the Spelling Words!
Ex: Every night my parents need to sign my homework book.
When I wrote a letter to my favorite author, I made sure to sign the letter “Sincerely, Mr. Mendell.”

2. Question and Answers – Create 10 question and answer pairs. Use one word in the question and another word in the answer. You must use all words.
Ex: Q: Is the fourth of December on a Tuesday?
A: No, the fourth of December is a Wednesday.

3. Spelling Story – Use at least 10 words in a story that has a beginning, middle and end. It should make sense and not be too silly! Each paragraph should be 3-5 sentences.

4. Type your spelling words. Print at home, or send them via email to 

5. Pyramid Writing – Pyramid write 10 of your spelling words. 
Example:  about    

6. Use newspapers or magazines to cut out 10 of your spelling words.  Glue them into your ELA notebook or put them in a Ziploc baggie.

7. Write every spelling word 3 times.

*Turn in all spelling homework on or before Friday! Staple all 3 activities together, or turn in your ELA journal. 

Hooray! A new way to stay in touch!

Welcome to Miss Ary's blog! I hope this will be a fun and easy way for you to stay in touch with what's happening on the ave in our classroom! 

Here's a peak at what we did to stay in the spooky spirit of Halloween.We buried overused words from our 4th grade writing. It was very fun, and the kids loved finding interesting, or "flavorful" synonyms to put in place of those overused words!